Global Center Advisory Board
The Global Center Advisory Board is comprised of recognized experts across a broad range of relevant subjects, including water governance and governmental affairs, Indigenous relations, conservation science and water management, environmental law and policy, and of course, climate change. The Advisors provide insights and perspectives that inform the Global Center’s research directions and assist to enhance and promote the Global Center’s vision, relevance, and collaborative efforts around the world. The Board actively engages the Center’s priorities and approaches to assist in creating scalable knowledge adaptable to transboundary watersheds in selected regions. The Advisors are each leaders in their field, providing substantive experience and connective capacity to engage and activate participants in the Global Center's transboundary water initiatives. The Board is co-chaired by Jon Allan and Chris McLaughlin.
Mike Goffin
Former Regional Director General
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Erika Jensen
Executive Director
Great Lakes Commission
Peter Johnson
Deputy Director
Great Lakes St. Lawrence Governors & Premiers
Dr. Henry Lickers
Mohawk Council of Akwesasne
Cliff McCreedy
Science and Stewardship Coordinator, Agency Liaison
National Park Service
Dr. Edda Mutter
Science Director
Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council
Merrell-Ann Phare
Executive Director
Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources
Dr. Roger Pulwarty
Senior Scientist
NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory
Dr. Jeffrey Ridal
Executive Director
River Institute
Mr. Robert Sisson
Former US Chair
International Joint Commission (IJC)
Dr. Gary Tabor
Chief Executive Officer
Center for Large Landscape Conservation
Dr. Rebecca Turpin
Director of the Climate Change Secretariat
Government of Yukon
Dr. Aaron T. Wolf
Program in Water Conflict Management and Transformation
Dr. Asim Zia
Professor of Public Policy and Computer Science
University of Vermont